

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Takeru: After that, I joined a week training. In the human world, children are still enjoying summer holidays…
I learned Sidi and meditation from my father. Within the altered consciousness and meditation, I thought such belief that I can be, I can be is important. I will definitely become as I imagine. What shall I do? To think as such will make things materialize, realize and make them molecules easily. It fit my way of thinking…
Then, my father said,
Father: Takeru. Everything is connected as one. No, not so, it is made of thoughts of the subject of creation. The subject of creation The subject of creation considers oneself. It is the same as we consider ourselves.
Everything in the universe embraces consciousness of love. All is like his dream. Therefore, the value of separation will bring tremendous confusion. He sends out a strong command like a message, trying to regain malfunction of the part. Humanity considers trouble, punishment, destruction and ruin. In other words, it is a strong caution from the existence to return to the love of true essence.
You will return to the time when it was ordinary. Values of men, animals, trees, plants and flowers, the earth, the water, and everything are there as a manifestation of the universe, and of love. It’s a beautiful place…
To hear him talk as such, I wanted to visit there more than before. Things consider each other. It is the world where everything communicates with love. I couldn’t but help feeling it is a completely different world from the one of molecules born out of substances, not so, of a sense of separation, from the world filled with fear.
It is where you can communicate with everything in the universe in love…
We can communicate with everything in the universe in love. The earth, the sky, the ocean, beautiful animals… How wonderful the world is!
On the other hand, I am so sad to see the present world where people believe in separation such as conflict, superiority complex, comparison, fighting and competition. Everybody felt like killing himself. Everybody was off because of fear.
I was in pain for a week. It was filled with much awareness and love. The world of loving and being loved. To everything…
Father: Takeru. You cannot avoid visiting there. You are destined to be there. You will be drawn there… He kept telling me as such again and again. Maybe because the belief is more important in the spiritual world of elementary particles than anything…
Plasma devices of my father’s invention were incredibly wonderful.
I will see beautiful secret of humanity in front of me. I will start a journey tomorrow for the purpose.
A line of light of Takeru was falling down from the clear sky.
The beautiful earth is expanding there. All lives are watching over the splendor. Takeru went back to one thousand years. He was finally there…
I am falling down from the sky now… I started on a journey with a lot of sadness and a lot of expectation. It was my first time in my life to think that I want to create a wonderful world. And here I am… I feel strange. I am slowly going down from the sky. I was feeling fulfilled, not so, at peace and joy which I have never felt before.
What on earth is my feeling that I can see everything is love? I was in a light ball. I was floating in the air for a while, and then, quietly going down to the earth in the beautiful forest like soft moss garden.
Everything is bliss. It looks shining. I can see the forest is interested in me with joy and talking about me. I feel I can understand their language. It is a magical and wonderful world. I may have been in meditation for a while there. Everything was in peace of bliss which I have never experienced before.
Takeru: I felt someone picking at me. Who did it? Who?
I began to become conscious, like ending of a dray dream or a nap.
Then, beautiful animals were surrounding me, in front of my eyes. They were so gentle. I’m not afraid at all. It’s amazing.
Takeru (monologue): I have seen this before. Ah! Yes! Animals are gathering around Buddha to listen to histories, in a comic story. I felt as such and thought I am still human.
I felt a beautiful animal like a white wolf talking to me for unknown reason.
Wolf: Tina is waiting for you. Let’s go with me.
They walk like floating a little up in the air. I float and follow them.
I thought strength of gravity may be different here from our world. No, it is such a human way of thinking. My mind hasn’t changed. WHAT A SHAME!
I hear someone talking deeply from afar in my heart. I feel the place seems shining thought it is far away. It is a mysterious scenery.
Tina: Takeru. I was waiting for you for a long time.
I felt as such, not so, I heard as such. Definitely, but in my heart…
I saw a standing figure. It was a like a beautiful girl
Takeru: Who are you? Why do you know me? What are these animals?
Tina: What are ANIMALS?
Takeru: I’m talking about these lovely children.
Tina: You mean Gon-chan and others. They are called ANIMALS after one thousand year. Right?
Takeru: Yes…
Tina: I see.
Tina: Moving animals take away “plants” are animals. Right?
Takeru: Would you tell me what you mean?
Tina: Polite words. Are you a serious person?
Takeru: Well, not really.
Tina: All lives respect the earth and soil and live with them. ANIMALS? What you say and plants are the same. We walking plants produce the soil and carry it around. So, your ANIMALS. Everything is in the world of oneness now. I’m sure you will feel it.
Takeru (murmuring): It is already difficult…
Tina: What? What did you say anything?
Takeru: No, nothing…
Tina: What we call the intestines produce the earth and the soil, and they take energy from there. The bacteria living there have converted elementary particles, and because of those bacteria, this world is always shining beautifully … Supplying the necessary energy …
Therefore, we can move and fly in the sky….
Takeru: Eh! Can you fly the sky?
Tina: Of course. Do you want to fly with me?
Takeru: Yes.
Tina: You really are serious…
Tina: I’ll show you this beautiful world.
It’s a world where everything is one. Let’s go!
Takeru: Yes. I may be serious…
As soon as I felt extreme anti-gravity force, I floated up to the sky. I felt something tossing me. Hand in hand with Tina, strangely, I could fly.
A beautiful world was spreading there. A warm heart was there, we feel everything is connected as one. Not only men and animals, trees, the water, the air, mountains, and everything neither has self-boost for separation, nor have an ambition of ego, nor have a monopoly, nor try to take somebody to one’s side, nor to win over others. It seems to me all of them filled with looks of consideration, friendship, and love for no reason.
It was something I couldn’t find in my world. I thoroughly feel I was afraid of it in the world of separation. It was as my father said. I feel this something now…
Is this some real quality that we call love? I strongly felt as such while floating in the air. It is not only beautiful but truly beautiful world.
I am flying in a beautiful world with Tina. Tina is trying to convey beyond words with warm hands connecting with each other. It is neither a mountain, nor river, nor ocean. We name and call them as such, but everything is something immeasurably unknown.
You don’t have to believe in separation. We are in an unknown place now. It is eternally unknown beyond molecules. A beautiful world of gods. Everything is a dream of God of creation. We are flying in the mystery.
Tina: Hold my hands tight. I’m going to through the cliff.
Takeru: What?!
Takeru: Wow!
Tina: Let’s go. Don’t be afraid. It is the same as you. The same thought of God. We’re going into the same thing.
Takeru: I went through the rock. Inside of the rock was shining. It was not a rock. What shall I say? I don’t know if it was a miracle or a dream. Everything… The rock was me. Everything was me.
The rock, mountains, valley, river, and everything are ourselves. All of them are the dream of God. I feel like I was awakened from a sense of reality, which is separation, to the real world.
For about several hours after that, in the love-like dream, in something beautiful, words, self and separation were gone. And beautiful time flew and two of us went down to the earth…
Tina: My father is waiting. He’ll guide you to our village.
Takeru: Yes.
I feel dizzy. I feel like I have no weight. I walked for a while with Tina. The surrounding forest was beautiful in the coming dusk. Looking back, fellow animals and plants were following me. I was happy for no reason. I saw a village and many people waving their hands.
Takeru: You can walk, too.
Tina: Of course.
Takeru: Is a man in the middle your father?
Tina: Why do you know? Because he’s in the middle?
Takeru: No, he has the same light as you.
Tina: Great! You can feel it. Cool, and Right!
Tina: He was your father’s best friend beyond time.
Tina: and we will definitely be as such…
Takeru: Eh, is that so?
The people surrounding me were villagers; I wonder what they are.
They are not human at all. They look like a human, but something beautiful other than that.
Takeru: People are unusual.
Tina: They are ordinary. Well, maybe, they don’t have separation.
Takeru: (like a monologue): People who have neither sense of separation, nor self, nor ego, nor comparison, competition, plundering, nor the ambition of control look to me as such and make me feel as such…
Takeru: Amazing! What has humanity done?
Takeru: Can a man become as such? Can he be such beautiful and loving? I was closely watching the possibility of a man and humanity now. And I couldn’t move at all.
The mysterious energy they are releasing is something we call love? I HAVE NO IDEA. It was something I had never seen before.
I was taking a glimpse of the wonderful terribleness of the world without separation now.
Tina: Papa. He’s finally here. Your friend’s son has come from the future.
Chief: Takeru. I was waiting for you.
Takeru: Ah, Yes. I am Takeru. Nice to see you.
Tina: You are really SERIOUS. LOL,
Takeru: Tina had guided me to the sky, not so, in the sky. Ha…
Chief: Are you all right?
Takeru: Eh, Yes.
Takeru: Many villagers are here. I wonder why they are so quiet. I feel there’s love. They are many but feel like one. How mysterious!
Takeru: Thank you very much.
Chief: I’m glad you’re here. All of us were waiting for you.
A beautiful village woman came to me with something in her hand.
Chief: This is a gift from all of us. The dress is created here.
It is woven for you.
Takeru: Ah, Thank you very (much)
Tina (as if interrupting): Be sure to wear it. It is made of the same material as you. It must be GENTLE.
Takeru: I walked into the village with one being and many people. It was a completely different feeling from our world. I was, in a sense, afraid of a feeling that melts into everything. I am still a human, staying to be separate, with fear.
But I was so happy. Everything was so warm there. My father’s life changed after coming here. I didn’t understand how he changed. I unknowingly murmured that I was sad and sorry that I couldn’t understand my father. No, I think I felt sorry for the first time in my life. I wonder if it is a regret.
I was thinking of such a thing like a running horse light…I wonder if I had seen this world from my father, mother, and Lili’s perspective.
I was thinking as such. I’ve never had consideration for others.
Mom, I want to see you, Lili, Dad, I want to apologize to you
Sad, for no reason, I have become not current humanity-like, a little.
Takeru: Ha… (Sigh)
The party began. Incredibly loving and beautiful meals and fellows who devote their lives to our party. When I thought of fruits and vegetables, I couldn’t stop my tears. I danced with everyone hands in hands. I started crying again because of sadness and love. My open eyes were looking down. I couldn’t blink my eyes. I wondered why such clear shining water falling down.
I felt love welled up around my nose and felt the pressure.
Chief: Takeru. Are you all right?
Takeru: Uh, Uh, Yes.
Tina: SERIOUS boy
Tina smiled at him.
Chief: We’re going to have your welcome party. Today is a festival, not so, a party for you.
Takeru: Ah. Thank you! (Bow)
Tina: You are SERIOUS after all.
Chief: I learned the future language from your father. The Mountain, river, ocean, sky, earth, plants, and animals and everyone understands your language as we are connected as one.
Takeru: Is that so? What a world! What a magnificent world! I lose my words. Why do I cry? Why? Why do I love my father and think of my mother? Why do I love Lili and my friends? I just felt like crying forever. I’m sad, sad, and I feel love…
I didn’t know that I would not be able to see my father anymore at this time.